HeLo— Great Layout and Intuitive Navigation


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Well designed websites have more than just great aesthetics (though that is important too). They make navigating from page to page as well as make the message of what the viewer is encountering clear. I think that HeLo, an advertising agency based in London, Los Angeles, and New York City, has a website that is really functional as well as beautiful. It lets the viewer experience the company’s work in a variety of ways.

On the site’s landing page, the viewer is greeted with a large message from the company stating what kind of company HeLo is. From there the viewer can scroll downward viewing the latest work with the background images matching the descriptions of each project that scroll over top of it. Meanwhile the menu bar stays fixed at the top of the screen allowing for easy navigation from page to page— there is no confusion for the viewer on how to get from page to page and from what is being viewed.

The work page acts as another way for the viewer to see the company’s work but in more detail (in case it wasn’t clear on the landing page that what was being viewed was the company’s work also). This page is laid out in a more traditional manner with grided thumbnails— this section is further organized by types of projects from “Commercial”, “Entertainment”, and “Interactive” in which the viewer can see the video media easily as well as photo media.

Other great aspects of the site include the unique personalities that their “Team” and “Roster” page bring. Compared to a lot of competitive web sites, I think HeLo displays their diverse team well. Each member’s page has a likable photograph and a great synopsis of each team member’s background in a professional yet likable way. This website is also flexible in that the landing page contains a synthesized version of all the important content found on all the pages. The landing page functions as a one page website if the viewer chooses to scroll through, but it still fits into the overall concept of a traditional website if the viewer chooses to click through the different pages. And these pages all still act coherently while giving the viewer choice.

Besides the company’s work being really fun and interactive, their website  showcases their company’s personality while remaining functional and beautiful.


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